Volume: Tabaco
Série: 1.0
Coordenadas: Nick Cave & Warren Ellis, Sixteen Horsepower, Sigur Rós.
"Tudo cai, tudo tomba, derrocada pavorosa!". É o início de um poema de Florbela Espanca mas podia ser o arranque de um comentário de Bolsa. Não, todavia, o de hoje. Mas, quem sabe, o de amanhã?[+]
“«Let's hope we are all wealthy and retired by the time this house of cards falters», one e-mail from an S&P employee said. (…)
In the September 2007 e-mail made public today, the Moody's employee said that it «seems to me that we had blinders on and never questioned the information we were given». (…)
The e-mail continued: «Combined, these errors make us look either incompetent at credit analysis, or like we sold our soul to the devil for revenue.» (…)
«What happened in '04 and '05 with respect to subordinated tranches is that our competition, Fitch and S&P, went nuts. Everything was investment grade,'' McDaniel (CEO Moody’s) said in the meeting. «We tried to alert the market. We said we're not rating it. This stuff isn't investment grade. No one cared because the machine just kept going».(…)
In one document, an S&P employee in the structured finance division wrote: «It could be structured by cows and we would rate it».”
"On the Right side there is nothing right and on the Left side there is nothing left"
“Errei ao presumir que os interesses próprios das organizações, em particular dos bancos e outras, eram tais que seriam os mais capazes de proteger os seus accionistas e a equidade das suas firmas.”