Volume: Eco
Série: 2.0
Coordenadas: AGF, Animal Collective, Atlas Sound, Black Dice, Deerhunter, FortDax, M83, Monkey, Panda Bear, Susumu Yokota, The Good The Bad & The Queen, Thom Yorke, Xiu Xiu Larsen.
visualização 357.mp3
"Dollar Drops on Concern Middle East Unrest May Cut Oil Supply; Pound Falls"
"Ruble Falls to Record Low Versus Euro as Russia Weakens Defense"
"The World in 2009 is the 23rd edition of The Economist's annual collection of predictions for the year ahead—with views from journalists, politicians and business people."
1. Iranian Revolution
2. Crude Oil to $25
3. S&P 500 to 500
4. Italy Could Drop the Euro
5. Australian Dollar to Slump vs Yen
6. Dollar to Outstrip the Euro
7. Chinese GDP Growth to 0%
8. Eastern European Forex Pegs to Fail
9. Commodities Prices to Plunge
10. Yen to Become Currency Peg
"Investors fearful of deflation and riskier assets scrambled to hand over cash to the US Treasury in return for no interest at an auction Tuesday, while some T-bill rates fell below zero in the market.
Pressures on fund managers to stock up on the safest possible assets in advance of year-end book-balancing added to the bid for government securities, traders said.
The U.S. Treasury Department said it sold four-week bills at a high rate of 0.000 percent, a level never before seen, in a $30 billion auction"
"A economia norte-americana entrou em recessão em Dezembro de 2007, segundo os dados oficiais anunciados hoje pela organização que mede os ciclos económicos norte-americanos, o National Bureau Economic Research (NBER).[mais]
A questão colocada pelo Washington Post é se os EUA estão perante uma recessão em V - uma quebra da produção de curta duração -, em U - mais duradoura - ou em L, uma fase de significativa e duradoura contracção da actividade económica."
Interviewer: HAL, you have an enormous responsibility on this mission, in many ways perhaps the greatest responsibility of any single mission element. You're the brain, and central nervous system of the ship, and your responsibilities include watching over the men in hibernation. Does this ever cause you any lack of confidence?
HAL: Let me put it this way, Mr. Amor. The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made. No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information. We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error.