Volume: Cinzas
Série: 2.0
00:00 > Chopin - Nocturne in D flat major
05:53 > Kurt Elling - The Sleepers
11.12 > Nina Simone - He needs me
13.37 > Rodrigo Leão - A cidade queimada
14.51 > Gonzalez - Overnight
18.08 > Antony - Her eyes are underneath the ground
22.26 > Rufus Wainwright - Harvester of hearts
25.57 > Elvis Costello - You left me in the dark
29.11 > Kurt Rosenwinkel -Use of light
35.57 > Rosie Thomas - Only with laughter can you win
40.40 > Mono - Where am I
43.14 > Maximilian Hecker - Anaesthesia
47.31 > Marianne Faithfull -Last Song
50.44 > Gonzalez - Paristocrats
53.13 > Azure Ray - Across the ocean
uma certa forma de aristocracia.mp3